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Ebook, Audiobook, Podcasts & Video Series Bundle

This bundle contains the 

- Ebook
- Audiobook 

- 6 x 1 hour exclusive podcasts inseted between chapters in the audiobook with

1) Sepp Kuss
2) Alison Jackson 
3) Mitch Docker
4) Svein Tuft 
5) Dan Bigham
6) Jan Maas

- Video Series containing 20 x 1 hour episodes 

100% Money Back Guarantee

Finish it, then decide if you'd pay for it.

The Most Extensive Source Of Information & Advice On Cycling & Training. - From The Best Riders and Coaches In The World.

This Bundle Contains:

1) E-Book

2) Audio Book

3) Video Series

4) Video Journal

5) Podcasts.

Everything is digital, there is no physical book.


Audio Book:

Listen to the whole book. + 6 extra podcasts with some of the best riders in the world inserted between chapters. (16 hours total)

Video Series:

20 x 1 hour episodes.

For those who want even more details videos and photos.

(20 hours)


Below are reviews from the best riders and coaches in the world.

Arthur Kluckers

"The David Goggins of cycling - Jack Burke

If there's one guy who puts in the hours on the bike, has the mental fortitude to achieve goals and commits his life to reach childhood dreams - it's Jack.

His work ethic is truly remarkable and the book How to become a pro cyclist is the perfect example of it.

There is a lot to learn as a young cyclist trying to make it to the pro ranks, but this book gives a really good insight into the journey towards it. I truly enjoyed listening to the book because a lot of the stories and challenges are shared experiences for aspiring cyclists or even sport enthusiasts. As a teammate I always enjoyed listening to Jack's stories of Canada, mountain lions or bears. Jack was always a good story teller and the book reflects his skill and attention to detail to describe the challenges, lessons and learnings it takes to make it as a pro."

Melanie Bittner

"It‘s been probably one of the most humbling and motivating sports biographies I‘ve ever read. 

A pure, raw insight into the world of aspiring athletes trying to make it into the world tour that I don't think you've ever heard anywhere before.

Which is super interesting.

Most importantly-thanks for a lot of dumb ideas to try."

Joss Lowden

‘I have loved reading and listening to Jack’s stories of his quest to make it to the World Tour. This is as much a bundle of funny, moving, entertaining and just draw dropping accounts of his training and life as it is a guide to becoming a professional cyclist.

You don’t only need to read this if you are training to go Pro. You should read this to marvel at the lengths some people go to reach their goals and fulfil their dreams.

If I had a men’s world tour team I would 100% give Jack a contract.’

Ide Schelling

An interesting story of a man who never heard of the word quitting.

A strong mind and body not always makes what it takes to become a pro cyclist. In the book Jack explains all the ins and outs & do's and don'ts if you want to make it from overseas.

Had a couple good laughs about the extreme persistence of Jack to make it as a professional cyclist but with this also forming him as a person to who he is today!

Alison Jackson

"I always say, "Life is about story-collecting." Jack has collected a lot of wild stories in his pursuit of the pro-cyclist dream and tells them in a way that makes you love the guy behind the ups and downs of wheels, skis, tears and the joy of living a full life."

Mitch Docker

"This is a book for all those wanting to know the steps to turn pro.

Even though Jack never made it to the big leagues he has explored every possible avenue one can to make that step.

If you never aspire to ride professionally this book allows you to understand what it takes for all those who made that step to World Tour Pro cycling"

Archie Ryan

"Loved the book. Such a great insight into jacks story, not many people out there will have a crazier story, but also has so much valuable knowledge and stories that will make you laugh.

Couldn’t recommend it more. Bring on the second edition!!!"

Riejanne Markus

It's inspiring to listen to the stories. Especially for me, as a rider from Europe, it's good to hear the stories from Jack trying to make it in racing in Europe.

The dedication and his crazy hours on the bike are a motivation for everyone. Enjoyed listening to the book! 

Dan Bigham

“I think just in general lifting the lid on what chasing the dream is, is really quite powerful because I think the media glorifies it and obviously we see everything through social media nowadays and it's just not, real life.

I think to actually just understand what it's like to try and chase the dream and try and achieve all of that stuff, it's really refreshing.

I think, at least from my perspective, I find it quite enjoyable 'cause I've been through a lot of the similar kind of thoughts and processes”

Svein Tuft

"Jack takes a deep dive into what it takes to become a pro in this modern peloton. It has evolved a lot in the past 10 years and he has a real in depth perspective of many different paths a young rider can make.

I enjoyed the alternative ideas and techniques that Jack applied. Taken to the extreme in many cases, but quite often those are the best lessons learned.

A must read for any young rider making their way to Europe and an entertaining read for anyone who wants a window into the inner workings of professional cycling."

Jan Maas

"As soon as Jack published this book I had to have it because I know this man’s work ethic.

This book would be great and a recommendation for everyone who sees themself as a serious athlete."

Julie Van De Velde

I was really impressed to read Jack's book "How to become a pro cyclist". As a European girl, I didn't realise what it takes for non-Europeans to chase the dream of becoming a professional cyclist. By reading Jack's book, I now got insights in what they have to give up and what challenges they have to tackle to try to make it in Europe. Big respect to all of you!

The stories where sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always very inspiring and it was nice to have a look in his life and how he dealed with everything, good or bad.

I was also very impressed of how tough Jack is. All the training hours he can handle, week after week, in combination with all other things like heat training for example to become better and to get everything out of it, is just impressive. And coming back after every setback, with such a high motivation, it's something to look up to and to get motivated myself to never give up and always keep going.

Thanks for sharing your life story and all your experiences, Jack, I think a lot of guys and girls will take advance of it by reading your book, including myself!

Caroline Bohé

It’s a super inspiring book, and I haven’t heard about many other athletes working as hard to make as you did - even many that actually “made it”.

It motivated me to work even harder through the winter months. Thanks for that!

Megan Jastrab

In "How to Become a Pro Cyclist," readers are treated to an inspiring journey through the highs and lows of chasing the cycling dream in Europe.

The stories and struggles of a North American trying to become a professional cyclist in Europe shares insight into the not so glamorous realities of the sport we love. This book takes readers inside the daily life of someone giving their all (and more) to try and reach a dream.

People watch cycling on TV and think it is a fun sport to partake in, but sometimes miss the details of what it actually took for these riders to even be on the start lines of these races - Jack shares these struggles. 

Jack's book not only provides valuable insights into the challenges of transitioning to European racing but also offers solutions that he came up with to navigate these hurdles.

Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or a casual fan, "How to Become a Pro Cyclist" offers something for everyone. With its engaging narrative, this book is a great read for anyone with a passing interest in the world of cycling.

Todd Wells

"I really enjoyed "How to Become a Pro Cyclist". It is a unique perspective from someone that dedicated their life to the sport we all love and never quite made it.

We are so accustomed to hearing success stories that it is nice to hear the other side. We often forget how hard it is to make it as an elite athlete and are only ever fed the soundbites of the few that do make it. Becoming a successful professional athlete is hard!

Jack lays it all on the line and details the sacrifices required to make it and that no matter how hard you try it doesn't always work out. It takes a lot of courage to tell your story of giving everything and not achieving what you set out to. With social media constantly flooding our lives with how amazing everything is it's refreshing to read something "real". Kudos."

Nickolas Zukowsky

"A great book to read or listen to that will definitely give you a brutally honest perspective of the hard work and dedication required to try and make it to the highest level in arguably the most difficult sport as a foreigner.

The book is packed with tips and advice that Jack learned over the years but, you'll also find some pretty outrageous experiences that might make you think twice before trying yourself.

Nonetheless, very entertaining stories!"

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More Reviews

  • Jim Slauson

    This book offers foundational advice for anyone pursuing a dream as a career. Certainly, any cyclist will be inspired by the story. Definitely a must read for any young cyclist whose goal is to race professionally. 

    The book will provide a realistic look at what it will take to have a chance to succeed, from not only the cycling, but also teamwork/networking required perspective.

     I’m a 60 year old father, husband, physician and lifelong cyclist who races bikes. I am continually looking to improve my cycling, my relationships, my work and thinking of what’s next. Jack’s book reinvigorates me in my lifelong pursuit of successes! The story will help anyone who is beginning any career realize that the hard work involved is part of the process, and will pay off. Maybe not exactly the way they think at the beginning, but ultimately wherever they land/have landed reflects the work put in. Jack’s book will also re-inspire someone is asking themself questions of whether to continue in their career, or provide the courage to branch off onto a new path!

    I have a personal saying “Successes lie along a path paved on consistency, by grit.”

    Thank you, Jack for this wonderful work It is perfect.

  • Julia Borgström

    First of all I need to say that the title of the book threw me off a little bit. I don’t really know what I was expecting but I did expect something totally different to what I then read.

    I did not expect to be able to relate, I did unfortunately expect to probably be bored about all the numbers and the “this is how much you need to train” explanations.

    I didn’t think I would be able to relate since I am from Europe, I am a female and I am a pro. BUT!! Oh was I wrong...

    For me this is not a handbook on how to become a pro. It’s more of the story about young people trying to figure out their way in a world that looks nothing like the real world (the world of cycling) but still very much needing to be a part of the real world at the same time with the struggles of finding accommodation and surviving financially and physically. Every lesson that is learnt from it and an explanation to how to survive living in both worlds at the same time.

    I am on my fifth year in the elite peloton. I am also on my fifth year of trying to figure out how to become better physically, stronger mentally, overcoming obstacles, learning to fight in uncomfortable situation, realizing what I need when I am not in my safe space at home and my fifth year of trying to be better. And even if this book is about you trying to make it in the male peloton, you are from north America and the way that you had to go is different, I did realize that the obstacles are very similar.

    I did relate to “coming to team camp after a long winter at home” situations that you explained. I am privilege enough to be able to go to enough camps every winter and to live in a part of Sweden where you can usually ride the road bike for most part of the winter. But coming to training camp after a few weeks without seeing the sun or a couple of endurance rides on Zwift is still incredible.

    I have always been afraid to talk to non-Europeans about how they have made Europe-life work and how I have been struggling to make “Belgium/Netherlands-life” work for me. I have felt like it does not even compare since I “only” stayed for weeks or mabye maximum 2 months at a time and if I really needed to go home I could. Like when covid hit... But reading your book made me realize that I should have... because even if I am closer to home and am away for shorter periods of time the struggles AND solutions are the same as for non-Europeans (it seems). And learning how to deal with being uncomfortable with something you are not familiar with and to know what you need wherever you go INSTEAD of just trying to survive until I get to go home has changed a lot for me.

    I loved all your crazy anecdotes about your training in all conditions. But the best part of the hole book is how you explained that training in all conditions and training really hard is not the hardest part about this sport because this is actually doing something you love just in a condition that you may not like. The hardest part is doing small things when we are really uncomfortable and way out of our comfort zones... 

  • Marco Pinotti

    - Head of Performance - Team Jayco Alula mens World Tour Team and retired world tour rider.

  • Eduardo Sepúlveda

    How to become a pro cyclist it is a very inspiring book. I wish I had read it 10 or 12 years ago, when I wasn't in Europe and my dream was to be a professional.

    You learn that to achieve the goal you have to be very dedicated, and not give up, so I think it is not only useful for cycling, but also for other areas of life.

    I definitely recommend it!

  • Jonas Iversby Hvideberg

    Jack seems to have tried it all, and through this book he brings you along his journey.

    Reaching out to and learning from so many other athletes, Jack is sitting on more knowledge than most of the guys in the world tour.

    This book is a nice mix of stories and tips, especially if your coming to Europe from overseas. After reading there is also plenty of podcasts to dive into, with a mix of riders so big you'll for sure find someone you enjoy listening to!

  • Mattia Gaffuri

    "many of you have asked me which books about cycling you should buy. Some books I read are very technical and some biographies are very captivating, but this one l just read is the perfect mix of those 2, with a little bit of training madness in ciclismo kompetente’s perfect style.

    Great insights for anybody who wants to make it, many lessons to learn from and tips to preciously take home."

  • Carter Hall

    “Completely humbling and utterly inspiring.

    An inside look at an amazing and unique journey through the upper echelons of road cycling in Europe.

    Come for the candid and detailed advice that will level up your training, stay for the hilarious stories and anecdotes that put it all in perspective.”

  • Callie Swan

    Just finished up the audiobook after buying it a few months back. The book was so good!

    Thanks for sharing some pretty heartbreaking stuff but also normalizing the euro experience.

    I found myself going back over a few ideas and taking notes about injury prevention, crazy training plans and places to check out.

    I'm not even racing anymore and just riding the bike because I love it but listening to the book stoked the flame and got me dreaming up some big days with training to boot. 

  • Tyler Hannay

    Reading Jack's book made me look at myself in the mirror. To get all the access to so much knowledge from the gains to the mistakes at such a low cost is really a gift.

    This book will definitely make you ask yourself, are you training hard enough?

  • Preben Bronstad

    This book contains so much knowledge about cycling, training, and life in general.

    The book contains so many interesting stories and experiences. It is impossible to read this book without getting motivated to chase your dreams and work harder to achieve them.

  • Dr. Nathan Jeffs

    “This book makes you feel so many emotions, it’s raw, intense, inspiring, and so much more. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to make it over in Europe, than this is the book for you”

  • Glenn Peck

    "As I read this book. It turns out I first met Jack, unofficially, during one of his training rides. At night. With no lights. In the mid of winter, riding down the middle of the Sea to Sky Highway on his way back from hill repeats on Cypress Mountain Highway.

    I had no idea what his story was. The history. The passion, dedication and hard work. The devastation and heartbreak. His will to continue and persevere. 

    This book is not just for an aspiring cyclist looking for the in's and out's on how to turn pro. This book provides an insight for anyone looking to succeed. This book is about determination. This book is about believing. This book is about hard work. 

    As a hobby cyclist I do enjoy the stories. The triumphs and tribulations. The podcasts with past and present pro's. This book dives into the nitty gritty behind the scenes info no one wants to tell you. Jack does. Jack wants you to succeed. Jack may have not made the top step in pro cycling, yet. But he also isn't giving up. Follow your dreams."

  • Ian Martin

    "The enthusiasm and positivity are infectious! Even if you have no intention of becoming a pro cyclist, the adventure, journey and stories in this book are worth the read (or listen)!"

  • Jacob Velasco

    "Wanting to pursue professional cycling as a career is extremely challenging as we all know. However, Jack provides an excellent road map.

    This book features an incredible amount of helpful anecdotes of not only his experiences in the sport but also many other athletes.

    This book's biggest strength is all of the small but extremely important details you can't find online.

    I loved how the ebook comes with an audiobook as well. I got through the book primarily by listening to the audiobook on my endurance rides.

    If you're also chasing professional cycling, I can't recommend this book enough! "

  • Connor Vickers

    “Loved the book, super inspirational and helped me pull myself out of a bit of a hole in my own cycling endeavours” 

  • Eric Bartolomeo

    "offers readers a captivating glimpse into the journey from the junior category to the world tour.

    The book not only shares personal stories but also provides valuable insights and tips from both him and other pros, creating a compelling exploration of the shared pursuit of reaching the world tour."

  • Martin Doerler

    "Although I, as a middle-aged amateur athlete, am not part of the core target group, the book really inspired me. The stories are very lively and authentic. Thanks to your openness, I can identify better with the aspiring athletes.

    Your work is both entertaining and very educational. I would like to thank you for the deep insights.

    I even briefly considered trying out cross-country skiing. But in my free time I will continue to dedicate myself entirely to cycling and reading good books."

  • Thomas Anderson

    "Becoming a professional athlete has always been a sort of pipe dream for me.

    I'm now working as a civil engineer. On a good week, I'm able to get about 15 hours of riding in. It wasn't until age 22 that I began to race. Though I have made giant leaps in my development, I'm still nowhere near professional level.

    My goal in cycling is to become a Category 1 rider here in the US.

    I really enjoyed this book. I find it inspiring to read or listen to others go after a dream of theirs, especially if it's one that's been on my mind as well. My place in the sport may never be in the pro ranks, but that doesn't mean I can't continue working hard and giving it my all. This book really opened my eyes to the extent that one needs to go to become a professional. It seems like every week there's an article about some 18 year old kid signing a world tour contract. That's great, however, that would make for a boring book. I respect the hell out of you for continuing to go at it after all the struggles you've had. Cycling to me is a sport for dreamers.

    Thanks to this book, I now know what it takes to get to the very top."

  • Alec Diebel

    I really enjoyed How To Become a Pro Cyclist. As someone who came up through NCCH after Jack, and currently works at WOP where he used to sneak onto the ski trails I loved hearing stories about people and locations I know well.

    A lot of his stories are relatable to anyone who trains in endurance sports and is trying any way they can and whether you are chasing the dream of becoming a pro cyclist or not, there are a lot of lessons he talks about that are universal. Whether you are looking for something to keep you occupied whilst on the trainer or out on a big day and want something to listen to, or you are looking to pursuit cycling as a career you will get your moneys worth. 

  • Rasmus Lindbjerg

    I really loved listening to this book.

    It captures the journey of chasing a dream with unwavering dedication, hard work and sacrifice.

    Jack's work ethic is truly inspiring to hear and all the crazy ideas he tried over the years. But under the crazy stories lies valuable lessons for aspiring cyclists. Through Jack's experience, ideas and mistakes you gain a lot of knowledge about what to do or don't when trying to turn pro.

    The book offers a lot of stories and deep insight into the professional cycling world and with Jack's gift for storytelling it gives you a lot of good hours of listening.

    I highly recommend it.

  • Matthias Kodym

    I really enjoyed the book. It was a perfect mixture of useful information, story telling and also entertaining.

    Would 100% recommend even for a non cyclist. 

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